Monday, January 9, 2023

Meet Your VACEOs 2023 Board of Directors, Part 1

Name: B. Scott Crawford 

Company: Virginia 811

Position on Board: Director 

Something you’ve learned as a member:  Honestly, there has been so much I have learned through Roundtable meetings, VACEO workshops, and VACEO conferences it is hard to identify one thing!  To name a few; I have learned new perspectives on a host of leadership topics, some interesting insights about changing dynamics in the workforce; and, through our Roundtable Retreat, an interesting perspective on mediocrity and the need to constantly challenge all team members to help them grow – that, in short, “A Players” are not what we really want as those individuals, if performing at the “top of their game” are not necessarily finding room for growth or new challenges.  This can lead to burnout and even complacency.  A players need to be moved into positions where they are C players in order to provide them with new challenges and room for additional, and continuous, growth.  However, the overarching thing I have learned is just how truly important it is to be involved in a group like VACEO where I find opportunities to continue to learn and to be able to safely, in a confidential environment, discuss successes and concerns that I might not be able to discuss in other areas of my life. 

Dreams for the future of VACEOs: Identifying ways to grow membership in SW Virginia and building on strategies to increase opportunities for learning and engagement within VACEO. 

Something more personal: In my spare time, I enjoy pursuing my passion for history and art history through reading, research, and writing.  I have also become an avid runner over the past 6 years (started late in life), and enjoy running with my daughter who runs cross country and track for Radford University.

Name: Chris Leone

Company: WebStrategies, Inc.

Position on Board: Board Member

Something you’ve learned as a member: I’ve learned that there’s nothing unique about the challenges I experience on a daily basis. Every CEO has similar struggles running their business and they’re happy to share them with someone who can relate. At the end of the day, we are just folks who like to build things, take care of our people, and enjoy the “sport” of business.

Dreams for the future of VACEOs: I’d like to see VACEOs become a safe haven and supportive community for the next generation of CEOs and entrepreneurs in Virginia. 

Something more personal: The leader of a growing company is forced to evolve several times to keep pace with the needs of the business. This provides a wonderful opportunity to continue growing my skill sets. I’ve also gained a new-found respect for self-care so I can be the best version of myself for my team. I’ve discovered a love for cycling, I carve out more time with my kids, and I give myself permission to “switch off.” Several years ago, I would feel guilty for not always working. Today, I’ve found a better balance that makes me a better leader, husband, and father.  

Meet more directors in Part 2

Posted by Aida Pehlic at 11:07 am
  1. Quality leaders tend to migrate to quality organizations. Two more great examples. Thank you for your service.

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