“Work is contractual. Engagement is deeply personal.” This was the message from Richard Hadden, co-author of Contented Cows STILL Give Better Milk and speaker at a recent VACEOs Quarterly Luncheon.
“Satisfied employees give better performance,” explains Hadden. Or, put another way, contented cows give better milk. And that, Hadden says, “always finds a way to your bottom line.”
With the average job tenure at 4.6 years these days — and a growing mentality of “We’re not married to our jobs; we’re just dating”— it’s clear that business owners need to make their date with employees the best experience ever if we hope to retain the very best.
“Your best recruiting tool is your reputation as an employer, but it’s the reality of what it’s like to work there that will retain people.” – Richard Hadden
Hadden took us on a captivating journey using stories that began with us in the grocery store aisle, searching for fried onions, and ended with us in an extreme northern region of Scotland, preparing for battle.
His presentation was entertaining and top notch, and in the end, he challenged us with specific assignments geared to help us make the connection between people practices and profit performance. We learned that, as with any major change that evolves in the workplace, there will be employers who learn to adapt and burn the available fuel, and there will be those who don’t.
Will your company adapt or be left behind? Remember, everyone is hungry. It’s your job to understand what your people are hungry for.
Feel free to email us if you missed Richard’s talk. We’ll send you his notes!
This “What’s On Our Minds” moment is from the VACEOs Quarterly Luncheon presentation “Contented Cows Give Better Milk: Your People…Your Profit” with Richard Hadden (Thursday, September 22, 2016).
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